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Dangine Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: JJ Dechane
Cardimap Tablets
Quantity: 60 Tablets
Brand: Maharishi Ayurveda
Category: Tablets
Selip Tablets
Quantity: 10 Tablets
Brand: Bipha
Category: Tablets
Tus-Herab Tablets
Quantity: 30 Tablets
Brand: Tablets
Category: Tablets
Paril Tablets
Quantity: 10 Tablets
Brand: Imis Pharmaceuticals
Category: Tablets
Sarpagandha Tablets
Quantity: 15Tablets
Brand: Vedi Herbals
Category: Tablets
Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) is a herbal medicine used extensively in Ayurveda. It is a plant known for its medicinal properties, especially in managing blood pressure, insomnia, and mental health conditions. The active compounds, like Reserpine and Alkaloids, are responsible for its therapeutic effects.
Sapthamrutha Loha
Quantity: 30 Tablets
Brand: Sri Sri Tattva
Category: Tablets
Patolamooladi Kashayam Tablets
Quantity: 10 Tablets
Brand: AVN
Category: Tablets
Glucova Active Tablets
Quantity: 10 Tablets
Brand: Vasu
Category: Tablets
Karutha Vattu Gulika
Quantity: 10 Tablets
Brand: Sitaram Ayurveda
Category: Tablets
Varanadi Kashayam Tablets
Quantity: 10 Tablets
Brand: Sitaram Ayurveda
Category: Tablets
Kanchanara Guggulu
Quantity:60 Tablets
Brand: Sri Sri Tattva
Category: Tablets