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Apex Diazen Tablets
Quantity: 30Tablets
Manufacturer: Apex Ayurveda
Category: Ayurveda
4Blud Syrup
Quantity: 200ml
Manufacturer: Apex Ayurveda
Category: Ayurveda
K P Namboodiris Herbal Fresh Mouthwash regularly will help to prevent the development of bacteria that causes bad breath, micro - organisms that causes diseases as well as combating tooth decay.
Quantity: 250ml
Manufacturer: KP Namboodiri herbals
Liv-52 DS Tablets
Quantity: 60Tablets
Manufacturer: Himalaya
Category: Ayurveda
Vysex Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: Banlabs
Category: Ayurveda
Coat Silver Lehyam
Quantity: 500g
Manufacturer: Gem Trease Pharma
Ulsant D Syrup
Quantity: 170ml
Manufacturer: Ayurchem
Category: Ayurveda
Ulsant Syrup
Quantity: 170ml
Brand: Ayurchem
Category: Syrup
Aimil BGR-34 Tablets
Quantity: 100Tablets
Brand: Aimil
Category: Tablets
Bgr 34 Tablet
BGR-34, a polyherbal formulation, is developed by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India. BGR-34 is a novel advancement that is scientifically proven to be effective in regulating carbohydrate metabolism. BGR-34 is formulated to provide complete systemic and symptomatic wellness for patients. It is a natural formulation that is scientifically proven and optimized to support overall health and wellness. It contains essential phytoconstituents and derivatives that help maintain carbohydrate homeostasis and ensure proper carbohydrate metabolism. By effectively influencing various enzymatic processes, such as inhibiting the DPP-4 enzyme, it assists in regulating glucose levels. Additionally, the formulation offers potent antioxidant activity, helping to protect body tissues from free radical damage.
Key Ingredients:
Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), vijaysar (Pterocarpus marsupium), gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre), manjeestha (Rubia cordifolia) and fenugreek (methi)
Slow carbohydrate metabolism, Fatigue and weakness
Key Benefits:
Two tablets twice a day (should be taken 30 minutes before a meal) or as directed by the physician
Breathe Eazy Tablets
Quantity: 60Tablets
Manufacturer: Pankajakasthuri
Category: Ayurveda