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Mooligai Theneer Chooranam
Quantity: 100gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Siddha
Arosakam (Tastelessness), Pitha noigal (Pitha Disorders), navaratchi, (Dryness of the tongue), athi thagam (Polydypsia). Can be used as tea powder to prepare tea which gives refreshness.
Take 5 gms of the powder and boil it with 500 ml of water and reduce to 125 ml. Add palm jaggery and give it twice aday before food or as directed by the physician.
Dasamoola Kadutrayam Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: AVN Herbals
Category: Ayurveda
Dadine Ointment
Quantity: 15gm
Brand: Wintrust
Category: Ointment
Cutfar Ointment
Quantity: 25gm
Brand: Banlab
Category: Ointment
Quantity: 500mg
Manufacturer: Zigma
Category: Siddha
Cold balm
Quantity: 10gm
Brand: Himalaya
Category: Ayurveda
Usage: For external application
Chirattai Thailam
Quantity: 30ml
Manufacturer: Impcops
Category: Siddha
Chandamarutha Chenduram
Quantity: 5gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Siddha
Keelvadham / Keel Vayu, Paksha Vadham / Pakka Vadham, Nadukku Vadham (Shaking Palsy), Sanni (delirium), Kaaichahal (fevers), Mega granthi, Nariththalai vadham, Ottu rogam (infectious diseases) minor and major ailments due to vitiation of three humors.
Calcury Tablets
Quantity: 40Tablets
Manufacturer: Charak
Category: Ayurveda
Quantity: 200ml
Manufacturer: Sanjeevi
Category: Siddha
Bringamalaka Thailam
Quantity: 100ml
Manufacturer: Impcops
Category: Ayurveda
Bekay Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: Dr.JRK
Category: Siddha
Indications: Anemia, Hemoglobin and blood related disorders
Dose: 1-2Tablets twice a day or as directed by physician.