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Kalsiwin tablets
Quantity: 100Tablets
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Siddha
Chithramoola kuligai tablets
Quantity: 50Tablets
Brand: SKM
Category: Tablets
Kabasura kudineer chooranam
Quantity: 50gm
Brand: Bhaskara herbals
Category: Siddha
Parangipattai Churnam
Quantity: 100gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Siddha
Parangipattai Chooranam is a very good medicine for leucoderma, veneral diseases and leprosy. It promotes appitite and gives complexion to the skin. This medicine can be used both internally and externally with goats milk to reduce black markings in the face due to pimples.
This is very effective in the management of psoriasis. Parangi pattai churnam alog with gandhaga parpam ( A Herbo-mineral classical drug in siddha) is very effective in controlling skin diseases.
1-2 grams twice daily with milk, honey or sugar.
Nilavembu Kudineer
Quantity: 50gm
Brand: Crescent
Category: Kudineer ( Decoction Powder )
Nilavembu Kudineer Chooranam
Quantity: 50gm
Manufacturer: Medisiddh
Category: Siddha
Andrographis paniculata - 11.11%
Vetiveria zizaniodes - 11.11%
Vetiveria zizaniodes - 11.11%
Santalum album - 11.11%
Pei pudal samoolam - 11.11%
Cyperus rotandus - 11.11%
Zingiber officinale - 11.11%
Piper nigrum - 11.11%
Parpatakam - 11.11%
Fever, Jwara
5-10ml decotion twice a day or as directed by physician.