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Vachiravalli Tablets
Quantity: 100Tablets
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Siddha
Piper longum - 9%r
Cominum cyminnum sd - 9%
Zingeber officinals - 9%
Piper nigrum - 9%
Piper longum - 9%
Piper longum - 9%
Taxus baccata - 9%
Myristica fragrans kr - 9%
Quercus infectoria oliver - 9%
Alpinia speciosa - 9%
Alpinia galanga - 9%
Trachyspermum ammi - 9%
Aya parpam - 8%
Cissus quadrangularis - q.s
Agastya Rasayanam contains dasamoolam, shankapushpi, shati, bala etc are the key herbs that treat all kinds of bronchial infections. Both acute and chronic disorders of respiratory tract like hoarseness of voice, cough, dyspnea, bronchitis, asthma, etc. are remarkably cured with this medication. It improves immunity and thus is beneficial in the prevention of recurrent sinusitis, intermittent fever and early signs of aging like graying of hair, wrinkles, loss of memory etc. Gastric disorders like colics, indigestion, and constipation are treated preferably with Agasthya Rasayana. It also improves physical strength and add lustrous outshine to the body.
Cardocalm Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: Vaidyaratnam
Mahanarayan Oil
Quantity: 200ml
Manufacturer: Vaidyaratnam
Nalpamaradi Kera Thailam
Quantity: 200ml
Manufacturer: Vaidyaratnam