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Maha Vasantha Kusumakaram Tablets
Quantity: 20Tablets
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Siddha
Best medicine in treatment of Respiratory
Immune Booster
Give resistance to the body against infections
Effective in Respiratory Problems like Flu, COPD
Dose: 1-2Tablets twice a day with honey or as directed by physician.
Dasamoola Kadutrayam Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: AVN Herbals
Category: Ayurveda
Amirikalp Gold Chyawanprash
Quantity: 500g
Manufacturer: Virgo
Amirikalp Gold is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine in paste/jam/lehya form manufactured by Virgo UAP Pharma. It is a general tonic.
Benefits of Amirikalp Gold:
Ingredients of Amirikalp Gold:
Each 100 g contains-
Indication of Amirikalp Gold:
Dosage of Amirikalp Gold: 6-12 g twice a day or as directed by physician.
Desma Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: JJ Dechane
Gorochana Pills
Quantity: 40Tablets
Manufacturer: Imis
Category: Ayurveda
Gorochana - 1 Part
Karpura, Lavanga, Modi, Twak, Maratamogga, Pippali, Maricha, sadapa, Yastimadhu, Sonthi, Talispatri, Patra, Chitramoola, Triphala, Musta, Bharangi, Ajamoda, Rasna,
Jeeraka, Krishnajeeraka - 5 Part
Tankana Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Kanta Bhasma, Abhraka panchammrutam - 15 parts
Rasasindhoor - 20 parts
Gomutrasilajit - 20 parts
Dose: 1-2Tablets twice a day or as directed by physician.
Drakshadi Choornam
Quantity: 100gm
Manufacturer: Impcops
Category: Ayuvedic