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Maharasnadi Kashayam Tablets
Quantity: 10Tablets
Manufacturer: AVN Herbals
Manjishtadi Kashayam Tablets
Manufacturer: AVN Herbals
Indications: Skin Problems
Dose: 1-2Tablets twice a day or as directed by physician.
Norbeepee Tablets
Quantity: 15Tablets
Manufacturer: AVN
Indications: High blood pressure
Dose: 1-2Tablets twice a day or as directed by physician.
NORBEEPEE TABLET by AVN FORMULATIONS is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine. It is an herbal and safe option for hypertension. With Sarpagandha as a main ingredient along with vacha, ushira etc it brings about vasodilatory action and also acts as a diuretic.
INDICATIONS: Hypertension
DOSE: For mild to moderate and maintainance: 1 tablet twice daily or as directed by physician.
For more than moderate 2 tablets twice daily or as directed by physician
Punarnavadi Kashayam
Quantity: 200ml
Manufacturer: AVN Herbals