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Arumuga Chendooram Tablets
Quantity: 100Tablets
Manufacturer: SKM
Quantity: 450ml
Manufacturer: SKM
Dose: 5-10ml twice a day or as directed by physician.
Ashta Churnam
Quantity: 50gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Improves digestion power. It is used in the treatment of anorexia, indigestion etc. It is also used in the treatment of Vata imbalance and Vata related diseases like bloating, joint diseases etc. It is a good diet supplement in Rheumatoid arthritis.
Dose: 5-10gm twice a day after food or as directed by physician.
Ashtavarga Churnam
Quantity: 100gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Siddha
Seriyaamai (indigestion), Pasiyinmai (Loss of appetite), Vadha gunmam (Type of
acid peptic disorder).
Dose: 5-10gms twice a day after food or as directed by physician.
Ashwagandha Gulika
Quantity: 100Tablets
Manufacturer: SKM
Indication: General health, Nerve Problems, Men wellness
Dose: 1-2Tablets twice a day or as directed by physician.
Ashwagandha Churna
Quantity: 50gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Ayurveda
Aswaganthy Legium
Quantity: 200gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Ayurveda
Aswaganthy Lehyam
Quantity: 500gm
Brand: SKM
Category: Lehyam
Quantity: 450ml
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Ayurveda
Avalgujadhi Lepam
Quantity: 50gm
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Ayurveda
Avalguja Psoralea corylifolia - 80%
Haritala Yellow orpiment - 20%
Indication: Leucoderma
Usage: Apply 5-10gms mixed with cow's urine or as directed by physician.
Avarai Kudineer Churnam
Quantity: 100gm
Manufacturer: SKM