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Uncover the transformative potential of incorporating Ayurvedic remedies into your daily routine to achieve and maintain optimal digestive wellness. By exploring the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, you can tap into a holistic approach to support your digestive health and overall well-being.
Nirgundyadi Gulika
Quantity: 100 Tablets
Brand: Kottakkal
Category: Tablets
Nisa amalaki tablets
Quantity: 500Tablets
Manufacturer: Impcops
Category: Ayurveda
Nishakatakadi Kashayam
Quantity: 200ml
Brand: Sitaram Ayurveda
Category: Kashayam
Nishakathagadi Kashayam Tablets
Quantity: 10 Tablets
Brand: SKM
Category: Tablets
Nishakathagadi Kashayam
Quantity: 200ml
Manufacturer: SKM
Category: Ayurveda
Indications: Prediabetes, Diabetes mellitus, Polyuria, Glycosuria, Urinary disorders due to diabetes.
Dose: 10-15ml with water twice a day before food or as directed by physician.